Why is it that thousands of engineers struggle to get a decent sound while only a few dozen pull amazing sounds whilst doing, apparently, almost nothing? I could never understand how these great engineers made it look so easy. He made everything look so easy and sound so incredible. The first time I watched a really professional sound engineer I was completely mesmerised and amazed. Mixing with your mind is a book of Micheal Stavrou is a Sound Balance Engineer Michael who owns and runs StudioStav. Mixing with your mind: Closely Guarded Secrets of Sound Balance Engineering Revealed Frequency, (one-third) octave, and decade.Volume level calibration (K-(N) system).Sound intensity, pressure, and decibels.Fender Rhodes: amplification, effects, reverb.Solutions to stream your DAW, music, microphone, (and video).(Vocal) recording and monitoring in Cubase.Spitfire audio (BBCSO, Piano, other) microphone positions.Spitfire BBC Symphony Orchestra Professional.Laney IRT60H Ironheart / Harley Benton G112.